Saturday 26 August 2017

WEEK 4 (FYP 2)


     Activity: Control the Light (Experiment 1)


      Hello guys...for this week I gonna show some experiment and try to explain with briefly and this is the first experiment which is about to control the lamps as home appliance.
All experiment that I do were related with my Final Year Project which is DEVELOPMENT OF HOME AUTOMATION SYSTEM USING ANDROID WITH MOBILE APPLICATION.



         Circuit Picture (Arduino control light)               4-Channel Relay (On/Off detected from Apps)

Android Application (Selection)


As shown as below is the circuit diagram via the Fritzing Software as example here the home appliance that should be is the lamps but here I replace it with the DC motor. I also do this circuit diagram using Proteus Software. So, it should be no problem..


The schematic diagram as shown as below...


Continue with my short video below....I explain about this project for experiment 1 that I do...Don't forget to watch it.....;D;D;D;D;D

Sunday 20 August 2017

WEEK 3 (FYP 2)


        Activity: 1st FYP 2 Briefing 

       Today is the 3rd week for this FYP 2. Normally, the 1st briefing is on week 1. Because of the some problem on arrange the time table on FYP calendar. 

It's okay ya...Now let's get focus on this week. The briefing was conducted in TTL 2 and the attendance to all FYP 2 students is compulsory. The speaker is by Dr Siti Marwangi Mohamad Maharum and with assistance(staff) to key-in the attendance. 

           DATE: 18TH AUGUST 2017
           VENUE: TTL 2
           TIME: 3PM - 5PM

     In this briefing, the FYP committees have briefed us about:

  • Code of the Subject FYP must be correct and student should be register the project title for minor amendment before week 8.
  • Assessment that need to be cover for FYP 2 which is final report (logbook/blog), presentation, and project proposal.
  • FYP 2 should be continues after the proposal report with do the result&analysis, discussions, and conclusion of overall project.
  • FYP 2 activities along this semester.


Saturday 12 August 2017

WEEK 2 (FYP 2)


         Activity: Development of Home Automation System (HAS)... What? 


In recent year, wireless systems like WiFi have become more and more common in-home networking. Also in home and building automation systems, the use of wireless technologies gives several advantages that could not be achieved using a weird network only. Even though it become famous thru this this but using Bluetooth Module also can make the system is more easier thru its pros and cons. There are many of advantages of home automation systems such as;

a)      Reduced installation costs:
First and foremost, installation costs are significantly reduced since no cabling is necessary. Wired solutions require cabling, where material as well as the professional laying of cables (e.g. into walls) is expensive.
b)     System scalability and easy extension:
Deploying a wireless network is especially advantageous when, due to new or changed requirements, extension of the network is necessary. In contrast to wired installations, in which cabling extension is tedious. This makes wireless installations a seminal investment.
c)      Aesthetics benefits:
Apart from covering a larger area, this attribute helps to full aesthetics requirements as well. Examples include representative buildings with all-glass architecture and historical buildings where design or conservatory reasons do not allow laying of cables.
d)     Integration of mobile devices:

With wireless networks, associating mobile devices such as PDAs and Smartphones with the automation system becomes possible location is no longer crucial for a connection (as long as the device is in reach of the network). For all these reasons, wireless technology is not only an attractive choice in renovation and refurbishment, but also for new installation.

source info:

Continue with my short video below.. i will also explain and talking about this project benefits..Don't forget to watch it....;D;D;D;D;D