Friday 28 April 2017

WEEK 10 (FYP 1)




The idea of developing a Smart Home is since the early 20th century. In 1915, the emergence of electrical home appliance began; domestic servants meant the household needed cheap and mechanical replacement. In 1960, the first “wired home” was built by American hobbyist. After microcontroller has been invented, a lot of work has been done to develop the Home Automation System. During 1990, Smart Home system has been developed based on the merging of telematics and communication system “The Internet”. Since 1990, the internet technology and Smart Home system was tied strongly. The concept of the “Internet of Things” enhances Smart Home system tremendously.

Recently, Smart Home system has 10 reached another level of intelligence by way wireless communication. The low cost characteristic of Arduino microcontroller that can extend the network has been applied to the Smart Home system. By using Arduino microcontroller, problem with messy wires and difficultly of setting up can be avoided. Besides, the usefulness and simplicity of Smartphone also can be applied to Smart Home system as an attractive user interface. Since the early 20th century, a lot of work has been done to develop the smart Home system. Basically, a Smart Home refers to a home with intelligent to control, monitoring and automate the home system. The Smart Home’s degree of intelligence depends on the complexity of the system. 


In recent year, wireless systems like Wi-Fi have become more and more common in home networking. Also in home and building automation systems, the use of wireless technologies gives several advantages that could not be achieved using a weird network only. There are many of advantages of home automation systems such as;
a)      Reduced installation costs:
First and foremost, installation costs are significantly reduced since no cabling is necessary. Wired solutions require cabling, where material as well as the professional laying of cables (e.g. into walls) is expensive.
b)     System scalability and easy extension:
Deploying a wireless network is especially advantageous when, due to new or changed requirements, extension of the network is necessary. In contrast to wired installations, in which cabling extension is tedious. This makes wireless installations a seminal investment.
c)      Aesthetical benefits:
Apart from covering a larger area, this attributes helps to full aesthetical requirements as well. Examples include representative buildings with all-glass architecture and historical buildings where design or conservatory reasons do not allow laying of cables.
d)     Integration of mobile devices:
With wireless networks, associating mobile devices such as PDAs and Smartphones with the automation system becomes possible location is no longer crucial for a connection (as long as the device is in reach of the network).

For all these reasons, wireless technology is not only an attractive choice in renovation and refurbishment, but also for new installation.

credit to: Vinay, S., Kusuma, SM., (June, 2015) “Home Automation Using Internet of Things”


Based on the previous research that related to Home Automation system, the present project is to design a suitable and simpler circuit of home automation system by controlling such as lights, fans, motors and many more of home appliances. An Arduino microcontroller and android application is using in hardware development.. For sure, it is intended around the Asia at low cost, user-friendly, reliable, and more-functional and also can provide more security can be activated and can reduce energy consumption. As already know, the home automation systems not only refer to reducing people’ efforts, but also reduce time consumption. Besides, with advanced technology can be utilized in develop the project of smart home in order to provide more comfortable. Nowadays, mobile phone not only just utilized to make any calls or sending massages to people. But, the mobile phone devices changed time continuous and rapidly develop of technology which is smartphone. So, this project will connect with smartphone by using android application.

Friday 21 April 2017

WEEK 9 (FYP 1)


                    Activity: INTRODUCTION TO PROJECT


This chapter is focused on the background of the project and aim of the project to do a simple concept of prototype home automation with low costs by controlling lights, fan, door, etc. This paper discusses about on how the simple project can manage the home appliance in flexible ways on maintenance the issue. The project deals with designing all the home appliance system with target to have the technical advantages of scalability, flexibility, availability, security and its ease of the use for users and autonomous operation on economical affordable way for the smart home system and immediate remedy from electric shock happened in the system by using android application. These mobile devices are ideal in providing a user interface a smart home controller, due to their portability and their wide range of capabilities. They can communicate with a smart home controller network through an internet gateway, but cannot directly communicate with devices in the network, as these devices usually implement low power communication protocols, such as Wi-Fi. The basic working using Arduino microcontroller are investigated and discussed by doing some experiment and research. However, some of the limitation has been set in experiment to measure the result. 

Problem Statement
In order to improve the quality of our life, electrical devices are very important but one of them are not friendly for those handicapped user such as using the remote control to switch ON and OFF of the home appliances. In order to solve this problem, this project is proposed with create a system that can make our life more easy. For that reason, this project is about that can be attached with electrical devices and command the home appliances such light, fan, motor and many more by using our android applications.
Nowadays, people want to live in simple and systematic lifestyle. There are a few main challenges; these are high cost of ownership, inflexibility, poor manageability, and difficulty in gaining security. The common method of wired connections is basically will cost money. As it will use the specific cable, which is to make the connections stable and smoother.
Besides, home automation technology is increase rapidly along with advancement of low cost embedded system, sensors, and global style like communication system. Design a low cost smart home system in small size and able to communicate between them is one of the key challenges in doing the home automation system. By controlling the switch using Arduino Microcontroller and Android application will makes the user more safety and far away from electric shock.

The objective of this study is to produce a comfortable and luxury home system that involves the following features:
                                i.            To implement a suitable prototype for designing home automation with low costs by controlling lights, fan, door, etc. with Arduino Uno using android application.                                                                                                                            
                              ii.            To develop home automation system with home appliances ON and OFF using relay..
                            iii.            To develop all home appliances using the android application that able of controlling and automated.
                            iv.            To develop home automation with a user friendly of android application as an alternative to replace remote control unit.

Friday 14 April 2017

WEEK 8 (FYP 1)


                        Activity: 3rd BRIEFING FINAL YEAR PROJECT

In this week, the briefing was conducted in TTL 2 and the attendance of all FYP 1 student is compulsory. The briefing was conducted by Dr. Imran Mohammad Sofi.

                Date: 12th April 2017
                Venue: TTL 2
                Time: 3pm – 5pm

In this briefing, the FYP committees have briefed us about:


Friday 7 April 2017

WEEK 7 (FYP 1)




            Based on the Gantt chart that i already prepared for this semester and next semester, along this duration i will follow that already set. For this week, my project will start focus in preparing Gantt chart and then followed by study the concept of home automation system. Along the study concept, this week is also focus on market validation as mention as Gantt chart.

Below, is some information about the Gantt chart. For more information, this is the link of gantt chart and to see on YouTube, this is the link...


The first Gantt chart was devised in the mid 1890s by Karol Adamiecki, a Polish engineer who ran a steelworks in southern Poland and had become interested in management ideas and techniques.
Some 15 years after Adamiecki, Henry Gantt, an American engineer and project management consultant, devised his own version of the chart and it was this that became widely known and popular in western countries. Consequently, it was Henry Gantt whose name was to become associated with charts of this type.
Originally Gantt charts were prepared laboriously by hand; each time a project changed it was necessary to amend or redraw the chart and this limited their usefulness, continual change being a feature of most projects. Nowadays, however, with the advent of computers and project management software, Gantt charts can be created, updated and printed easily.



Consideration of Commercialization

This project is based on commercial project. This project which is to developed based on market demand. The validation of this project is complete by issuing and asking it in questionnaire in 100 samples. Even 100 samples are not sufficient, but for the first learning purposes, it will be considered fact, in the real market purposed, it is not valid.

Under market process there are several parts such as market demand, market size, and market segment. Demographic, geographic, and psychographic are considered are under market segmentation in term of survey. The target market of this project is a person who in family and house holder. Other than that, the survey is focuses in Kuala Lumpur Convention City (KLCC) area because it is urban area with foreigner in window shopping and suitable for technology product purpose. The questionnaire sample is provided in the appendix section.    to see via YouTube...

Based on the pictures  above is my questionnaire survey of home automation system. Later on I will post the analyse of market validation.


Market Demand
This project which is to developed based on market demand. The market demand here is how many person that need this home automation system to get along in their daily life. The project with simple concept of prototype home automation with low costs by controlling lights, fan, door, etc. will increase the market demand. Figure 1 below show the market demand for the project.

Market Size

The size of the market is an important factor. The market size of this project is a person who in family and house holder. Other than that, the survey is focuses in Kuala Lumpur Convention City (KLCC) area because it is urban area with foreigner and our people in window shopping and suitable for technology product purpose. During the survey carried out, majority the questionnaire is in family and house holder. Figure 2 below show the market size of questionnaire.
Market Segment
The market segmentation were divided according to geographic, demographic, psychographic and persona buyer. The following are described below:
The geographic segmentation here refers to the customer’s country (Malaysia), cities (Kuala Lumpur). It is urban area with foreigner in window shopping and suitable for technology product purpose. After that, the project will be expanding to the other country that suitable for home automation system.
Demographic here refer to the physical characteristics of the people such as that stated in the survey form which is as income, occupation, marital status, age, and gender. The following are some demographic.
a)      Income: The market survey divided into the basis income. The income level such as RM2000-RM2999, RM3000-RM5000, RM5000-RM10, 000 and >RM10, 000.
b)     Occupation: The market survey divided into the basis occupation. Here occupation was change into department or position.
Based on the psychographic, which is dividing the market in to segments based upon different personality traits, values, attitudes, interests, motives, and lifestyles of consumers. The figure below show the psychographic segment based on lifestyle. The selection that available is such as to make life easier, more convenience and save time, and other than that is for safety reason. The questionnaire can conclude that the survey mostly choose this project is because to make life easier is the reason to automate home become smart home.  
Buyer Persona
A buyer persona is a composite representation of a customer that aggregates the attributes and demographics of a segment of target customers. Attributes are based on market research and data on the company's existing customer base. The following is some questions for asking the buyer persona:
·         Are they male or female?
·         What is their age?
·         Are they married?
·         Do they have family?
·         What is their annual household income?
This information in easy to obtain and it is really help to start analyzing the buyer persona for the project. Figure 6 show the some specific areas that suitable for home automation technology. Based on these analyses, the buyer persona chooses the area that for luxury houses with high income. After that, the offices and for open shops lots areas for the second choose. Area that only required which are only 10 persons. For other,  a person give the specific reason.