Friday 31 March 2017

WEEK 6 (FYP 1)


                     Activity: 2nd BRIEFING OF FINAL YEAR PROJECT
                     In this week, the briefing was conducted in TTL 2 and the attendance of all FYP 1 student is compulsory. The briefing was conducted by Madam Dr. Siti Marwangi Binti Mohamad Maharum.

                Date: 27th March 2017
                Venue: TTL 2
                Time: 3pm – 5pm

In this briefing, the FYP committees have briefed us about:
·         Introduction and Literature Review (Identify the project).
·         Technical proposal writing. (Basically come out with 7 sub point included the chapter of summary)
·         Chapter 1 (Introduction) and Chapter 2 (Literature Review)

Workshop Outcomes

At the end of this workshop, students will be able to:
  • Understand the significance of writing a good technical proposal for FYP 1.
  • Understand the correct ways of writing a solid introduction and literature review chapters in technical proposal.
  • write these two chapters with good writing skills.
  • submit the draft of these two chapters early to supervisors for his review.


Friday 24 March 2017

WEEK 5 (FYP 1)


                 Activity: PROJECT TITLE CONFIRMATION

                Information about my project FYP in FYP Unikl BMI website after Sir Syamsul and Head of Section approved my proposal.

Friday 17 March 2017

WEEK 4 (FYP 1)


                Activity: 1ST BRIEFING OF FINAL YEAR PROJECT

Today is the 4th week for this FYP 1. Basically the 1st briefing is on the 1st week actually if i'm not mistake that based on the previous FYP semester. So late for the 1st briefing...i do not know why…..

Never mind…okay. The briefing was conducted in TTL 2 and the attendance of all FYP 1 student is compulsory. The briefing was conducted by Madam Dr. Siti Marwangi Binti Mohamad Maharum and assistance (staff).
                Date: 17th March 2017
                Venue: TTL 2
                Time: 3pm – 5pm

In this briefing, the FYP committees have briefed us about:
  •         Code of subject FYP must be correct and student should be register the project title before week 7.
  • Assessment that need to be cover for FYP 1 which is progress report(logbook/blog), presentation, and project proposal.
  • FYP activities for this semester.

The student were required to select the title of the project with carefully. Sometimes it is depend with student that come out with own ideas.  But sometimes students may select the title that are offered by lecturer (FYP Supervisor).


Thursday 9 March 2017

WEEK 3 (FYP 1)


                Activity: SELECTING A SUPERVISOR

In the 3rd week, I went to see Sir Syamsul Adlan Mahrim…and then ask him to be Supervisor of my Final Year Project. Usually, the name that have been in Supervisor list need their own quota for the student to be under his/her supervision. Then I choose Sir Syamsul Adlan Mahrim which is also my Electronics subject’s lecturer in the previous semester to be my Supervisor. 

By choosing him as my supervisor, it is easy for me to see or contact him and discuss with him about my FYP progress. As you all can see in the picture below... Sir Syamsul Adlan Mahrim major in Electrical and Electronics subject even though the office in Data Telecommunication Section.

Thursday 2 March 2017

WEEK 2 (FYP 1)


   As mention from the earlier semester, students may choose the titles that are offered by lectures (FYP Supervisor) or come out with own ideas. After doing some thinking, I decided to choose the titles of my FYP project from my own idea.

  I read through the list of the title and each synopsis of the project so that I can understand the requirement and some criteria that needed to complete the project. After done with this, I like some interesting with this project. Later on, I will bring this proposal to my selection Supervisor. Stay tuned for more updates…